A Tribute to our Angels


As I promised a few weeks ago, this blog is multilingual now. And surely, I had to start with English.

Yesterday, a very good friend of mine posted that it had been 8 years since her father passed away, and I have to be honest that it struck me as lightning, because it made me think about all those who have gone to that Special Place we all want to get to, someday, but not just yet, at least for me. It made me think about those who I still think got there just a bit too early, because we surely would and could have enjoyed having them a tad longer among us. But, they had complied with their mission, I suppose, and it was time to go back home.

There are some people who at their forties, even fifties haven’t faced the death of a loved one, of a friend, of anyone. I have. And to date I don’t think it is a blessing, because they leave this void within; something impossible to fill. With time it gets better and we learn to live and later we even enjoy life without them and “feel” them right by our side. I don’t quite yet understand how, but we do, and it feels nice, it caresses the heart and the soul.

In my thirty something years I have seen old and young be parted from their flesh and blood. And yes, I understand that it is part of life, nonetheless it makes me wonder when the best moment to leave the face of the Earth should be. Surely not as children; we have our lives ahead. Nor should it be when we become parents and our children are little. Kids need us just as our spouses need help in parenting. Then, we should all die old, but how old? No one wants to live to a hundred and useless or sick. It all sounds nonsense without a doubt. Everyone has his or her own time. However, the truth is that all those who have ceased to exist in life as we know it, keep on living in our hearts, they stay in our thoughts, in our feelings, and truly, they’ve all earned their wings because they have made us great human beings. Great men and women who, even though they are physically far away, at least for what I can say, continue providing us with their pearls of wisdom in one way or another. And yes Liam, they may come and tickle us from time to time. Your mama’s right! My mama comes to visit as well sporadically, and finds a way to make herself present. So, even though we miss them, wish they were here just for five minutes, and even though death has perfected all of them in our memories and thoughts, they are and will always be our angels.

Cheers to them for their legacy continues through us!

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