“La Gourmandista” Privacy Notice

VIVIANA ÁLVAREZ DE LA PARRA (hereinafter and indistinctly, LA GOURMANDISTA) as data controller, with domicile in Lerdo de Tejada 1, Colonia Guadalupe Inn, C.P. 01020 Mexico City, in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection and Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its regulations and guidelines, as well as national and international standards in Personal Data Protection subject-matter, issues de present Privacy Notice:

1.     Personal data:

To provide our services through our website www.lagourmandista.com and www.lagourmandista.net, we shall request the following personal data:

For identification and contact purposes:

  • Full name (first and middle name, if applicable; as well as surname(s))
  • E-mail address
  • User name as an identifier within the different platforms we shall use to deliver our service
  • Social media user names whenever contact is established with us through them
  • Image and voice if the users connect themselves through video conferencing platforms to our distance learning programs.

2.     Financial and/or sensible data:

LA GOURMANDISTA does not require neither sensible, nor financial data. 

Collection for our services is carried out through third parties managing digital wallets or payment processors who do not share financial data with La Gourmandista.

3.     Treatment Purposes:

The purposes for which, we carry out personal data treatment are as follows:

Main purposes:

  • Contact and response to specific doubts.
  • Promotion of gourmet courses and sessions.
  • Training and tasting services either individually or in groups.
  • Private catering and restaurant services.

Secondary purposes:

  • News delivery: If you wish to receive a monthly newsletter with our articles, we shall also have as a purpose the delivery of said newsletter. 

4.     Transfers:

LA GOURMANDISTA, does not transfer data to any third party whatsoever, except for those exceptions the Law contemplates. 

5.     Media and/or procedure to exercise ARCO Rights:

You may limit or oppose yourself to the treatment of your data, its use, or revelation thereof, or to revoke consent through an email message to: info@lagourmandista.com

To exercise your rights to Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition, you may send or request the following e-maill address: info@lagourmandista.com

Your request or ARCO Rights shall include:

  • Full name
  • Simple or digital copy of any official piece of identification to credit identify. 
  • Representation: In case of representing a minor, a copy of the Birth Certificate or an official document crediting the parent or tutor’s personality should be made available. In case of representing any senior third party, a copy of the power of attorney where representation rights thereto are stated, should be attached. 
  • Brief description of the request, either access to data, rectification, or cancellation thereof, opposition to treatment or some treatment purposes, or consent revocation. 
  • To rectify your name, attach a copy of a justifying piece, if different from the official identification document presented to credit identity.

The answering period shall be of 20 business days, based upon the official calendar published in the Official Gazette.

Response to your request shall be sent through the same channel it was received, i.e., via e-mail.

6.     Changes to the Privacy Notice:

The changes to the present privacy notice shall be notified via e-mail or through this website.

7.     Cookies or Web Beacons:

To improve the user experience, we may use such technological tools, however, these may be disabled by the user if they do not want them to be active.

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