Driving Nuances from the Foreigner’s Eyes


Drivers’ Ed is something I remember as much more serious in the United States than in Mexico. Or at least that has been my perception from what I remember from my teenage years. I am not sure how it works out now with youngsters in my country nowadays, but back in the 90s it was either a parent or the high-school sweetheart the one who taught one how to drive. In my case it was my father, and if I had to go through it again I am sure I wouldn’t choose him as a professor since he scared the hell out of me every time I was behind the wheel, he taught me well… yes, of course I learnt more after that horrid accident I got myself into at the age of 16 where I miraculously survived with barely a 10-stitch scar I still have on my left knee.

But let me be honest here for a moment, after that humongous accident, I have only suffered a couple more misfortunes as a driver which in fact have mostly been taken care of with a little wax or a change of tires. Nothing serious. And yes, I became a pretty good city and highway driver. No, I still don’t do neither ice nor snow, but that is because I have never needed to do so, just once a couple of years ago, and frankly I didn’t do bad either. Of course, I was over 30 already, so I am pretty sure that doesn’t count by now, hahaha!

But then, what happens while in France? Well, for starters I am not a holder of a recognised drivers’ permit, for the Mexican Driver’s License is just valid for tourists, and since I have been here for more than twelve months, I am no longer considered a tourist, so, I haven’t driven around, but I am seriously considering taking the test. I mean, how hard can it be? Yes, I am surely going to need a couple of lessons in order to understand the traffic signs which are different to those I am familiar with, but for the rest I am not worried, not at all. Hey, not even the parking. My dad taught me that one really well, and here, let me just say I would stick the “wide turns” sign to most cars.

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