Paris: The City of Lights, and Love


How many people can a person meet in his or her own professional path? I honestly cannot count each and every one of them. Many, if not I ought to say most of them have just passed by. They’ve left a memory or two, but few have stayed.

And from this handful people, if one is lucky enough, there’ll be a couple of them who arrive unexpectedly to our lives and a special connection happens. Then, I think I just blinked for a moment, and almost ten years have gone by. What we’ve got is some kind of soul sisterhood, and I am thankful, for it, but being almost 10 thousand kilometers apart can make one wonder if such a friendship may loose its momentum. The truth, for us, at least on my part, is that we make the most of the moments we have to be together and every chance we get to talk and be up to speed with each other we make the most of it. I am grateful for they host me when I visit my country, they make me feel at home, and they help in whatever way possible. I feel really lucky. It’s been quite a ride. Through thick and thin, making the thin lighter and the thick more enjoyable. I sincerely hope it’s been a two-way road.

When we first moved to Paris, they were there in the kiss n’ cry area to see us off. Just one month after, we met. I had the most pampered celebration possible where I was trying to set my roots. It was extremely nice of them to plan their stopover in this city to stay for a couple of days with us and visit. Truly, I must admit, we got lost, got wet, went up and down the same street quite a few times, but enjoyed the places, the views, and of course, being together. During that first visit we said it would be nice to go beyond the ‘périphérique’ and get to taste some French flavors of its provinces. It sounded like a good plan.

In 2012 there was no chance for the meet up to take place during the Birthday Season, a.k.a. October-November, but we managed to get together throughout the year and be up to speed with what we had all been up to.

But 213, was completely different. We met in Spring, then in Summer, and finally in Autumn. Weren’t we lucky? And we did it on both sides of the Atlantic. We got to spend part of the Birthday Season together, and to discover new places and adventures together.

As 2014 started to develop, we met in March, just as in 2012 and 2013. Back during that reunion a plan for the Tour de France we had talked about a few years ago started to find a calendar as well as a route. An exceptional weekend took place in June thanks to a business trip and two thirds of the group got together, but we anxiously couldn’t wait for the Fall to arrive and the plane to land at Charles-de-Gaulle Airport.

October 18 finally came. I arrived with plenty of time, so I sat down at the Arrivals area of Terminal E and patiently waited for them to cross the doors and enter La France. Honestly, as the minutes passed by, my emotions started to own my body and I couldn’t read any more, so, I stood up and decided to walk in front of the windows that allow one to see the carrousels where luggage is delivered to travelers. First, there was a flight full of Chinese?, who knows… finally, at the end of the hall I spotted the Mexico flight. Don’t ask me how? I just knew by looking at the people, and, there they were looking for their luggage. They saw me as well and we waved hello. I ran back to the Arrivals’ Doors. A few minutes later, we were all together and ready to take the streets, landmarks, and even the railroads of La Métropole et La Provence. It’s evidently difficult to say how much I enjoyed having them here, chez nous. During the following two weeks we met whilst they made stopovers in the City of Lights, and went everywhere we could, because we would have liked to have more time. Nonetheless, we had a marvelous time.

For the moment, none of us know when the next meeting will take place, nor do we know where. Yet, I am grateful for our get togethers every chance we get.

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