What is the best kitchen robot on the market?


A few months ago I decided I would buy a cooking robot, but it wasn’t just any cooking robot. It was actually the one I had gotten to know in my childhood at my friend Marian’s house. Her mom had brought it to Mexico from Spain. I remember she would always say her robot did every marvel one could imagine. Then, about 20 years later another friend who had recently moved from Spain to Mexico with her family took the same marvel with her. I had recently divorced and therefore my finances were not at the point of being able to give myself such a luxury, plus I had everything one could have in the kitchen at home. So, I forgot about it. Now, I’m in France, and given the voltage change as well as the fact that we decided to come just with the essentials, I have cooked for months with almost no home appliances until the little piece of equipment came into my thoughts.

I looked here and there, or what is the same, went online and made a little bit of research regarding cooking robots. Voilà ! The decision had been made. My friends in Mexico were right, the best one was the German tool manufactured in France. You could do everything in this thing… soupes, main courses, sweet stuff, I mean, truly EVERYTHING!

After saving up a little, we bought it and yes, while there was a “before” in my kitchen before my beloved Robotina (Rosie in English, yes, just like the cleaning robot from The Jetsons). I make ice-cream, spreads, stew, and even my Mexican tamales. And just like my mom used to say back in the day when she taught me how to prepare her famous Apple Strudel, there’s nothing better but to know how make the most and know all the little tricks that can be of help when using your appliances. So, I’m getting to it.

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