Quick & Easy Homemade Raspberry Jam Recipe


Since I arrived to this country, I became especially aware that one could find homemade jam quite frequently in households. With time, I not only understood why, but also started learning about the popular products at the market, however, the truth is I had never been courageous enough to prepare it, and boy had I been dumb! It is extremely easy and delicious. Once again, I went to my cookbooks, but the result came from a mixture between the cooking robot -that new toy which has made me cook so much lately- and the side of the box of the pectin-based sugar. Hence, here’s what I did:

Mermelada y croissant

Raspberry Jam

Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Resting Time8 hours
Total Time8 hours 20 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: French
Keyword: jam, raspberries
Servings: 50


  • 250 g (2 cups) Fresh raspberries
  • 100 g (1 cups) Jelly sugar
  • 100 g (1 cups) Granulated sugar
  • 1/4 (1/4) lemon, juice
  • 30 ml (2 tbsp) Fresh water

To Prepare

  • I added the fresh raspberries previously washed and disinfected to the cooking robot bowl and mashed them.
  • Separately, I mixed the jellifying sugar with the water and added it to the raspberries with the rest of the sugar and let it cook for 13 minutes at 100 °C (212 °F) at low speed (we’ll say 2 out of 10)
  • When the alarm of the cooking robot ‘beeped’, I added the lemon juice and mixed at the highest temperature for 10 seconds. And yes, I cranked it all the way up to 10.
  • I then poured the jam into jars and closed hermetically to let them rest upside down overnight.

But what happens if one doesn’t own such a ‘toy’… How can it be done? Well, it’s equally easy.

  • Raspberries, given they are a very soft kind of fruit, they may be mashed with a fork and a little bit of water, should you consider it necessary.
  • Separately, mix the water, jellifying sugar, and two spoonfuls of sugar. Once these three ingredients are integrated, pour them in a pot and start cooking at low temperature.
  • Cuando hierva la mezcla por tres minutos añade el resto del azúcar y hazla incorporarse junto con el jugo de limón removiendo el contenido de la olla.
  • When the mixture has been boiling for three minutes, add the rest of the sugar and incorporate it together with the lemon juice by stirring the contents of the pot.
  • Once again, let it come to a boil and let it simmer for three minutes. Don’t forget to stir here and there; if not, it will stick.
  • Skim all the impurities for your jam to be crystalline.
  • Pour the jam in one or more jars as soon as possible, close them hermetically and let them rest upside down overnight.


Serving: 10g | Calories: 10kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Potassium: 8mg | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 2IU | Vitamin C: 2mg | Calcium: 1mg
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Today, our breakfast was delicious. It came out really nice. The next step is to experiment with rhubarb or any other exotic fruit. I’ll keep you posted once I have the courage to do so.

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