Be Humble: A Life Lesson


17h45 was the time the clock was ticking to when I was born in Mexico City on November 4, 1977. My parents were the happiest and proudest new parents of a 52-centimeter baby girl who weighed 2.8 kg.

Many moons later I hope I still inspire that happiness in my father. I hope I am making it worthwhile for I am trying to not only have fun, but learn every day and become a better version of whom I was yesterday. It’s not easy, they say and I concur, yet as I turn 37, I would gladly go though everything once again in order to be who I am and learn what I now know, well, almost everything. Yes, there are some events I would rather change or avoid, but as I think twice, it is probably those who have molded me the most. As I child I wanted to be rich and famous. Today, I just want to make a difference and transcend.

I thank for all who have passed before me. I appreciate each and every lesson I’ve received because that means learning has taken place.

For tomorrow I am working on my new dreams. Those I had been afraid to make come true for one or another reason.

I know there’s still much work to do in me, for I am far far away from being perfect. I excuse myself for having deceived you, for having made you suffer, for not being there for you in a time of need. However, please know that you also have a special place in my heart and my mind, notwithstanding physical distance or that we have not been in touch for a long time.

Thank you for your light, thank you for your absence, thank you for your presence, thank you for supporting my dreams.

I shall, some time from now, show me and you, them and all it’s all been worthwhile.

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